As of update 3.0 of the battle creator, there are new type of attacks - advanced attacks. They can be fully customized, no random things included!
ADV. ATTACK - Spears (for green soul)
There are 2 things to set here - pattern and delay. While delay is obvious, pattern is not. So, here is how it works!
Here is an example of a pattern:
Looks complicated, does it? But actually, it's not.
-First of all, spears are separated by _ symbols. There is also # at the end - it's end of attack basically. Not using it will cause attack to not end.
-First symbol of individual spear, n in case of first one, is color. It can be either n (normal) or y (yellow)
-After color, there is direction. It can be 1, 2, 3 or 4. If set to 1 spear wil come from down, if set to 2 spear will come from left, if set to 3 spear will come from up and if set to 4 spear will come from right.
-Last element is speed. It's two digit long (to make speed 7 enter 07, to make speed 12 enter 12)
To check if you understand, try to predict how example pattern works!
ADV. ATTACK - Gaster Blaster: .....
This is a Gaster Blaster. That's all. But it can be fully customized to your needs! Use multiple of these, maybe repeat block too, and you could create some cool patterns!
-start X/Y and end X/Y - Bassicaly Gaster Blaster spawns at start X/Y positions and moves to end X/Y positions, then shoots. It flies back afterwards.
-size - default is 1.
-direction - direction it points to.
-delay - Gaster Blaster will wait amount of seconds you enter (use to synchronize multiple Gaster Blasters with each other)
-wait X secs before ending this script - self explainatory...?
Vary easy to understand.
-Pattern is made of first letters of banana colors, so "oobwb" will be orange, orange, blue, white, blue.
-Speed is speed of attack
-And size is size of bananas (in %).
ADV. ATTACK - Shocker Breaker...
3 things here: pattern, arena size and delay between waves.
-arena size is just arena size (lel), it can be either 1, 2, or 3.
To Understand next 2 things, we need to talk about parallel universes how this attack works.
Basically attack is made of waves, and each wave spawns thunders. Location and number of thunders is fully customizable, and you can have as many waves as you want.
That being said...
-Delay between waves is number of seconds before spawning next wave of thunders.
-Pattern contains all data about waves. An example of a pattern is -40.0.40.&-60.-20.20.60.#
It's not as hard as it looks: waves are separated with the & symbol, and thunders are X. , where X is x position of the thunder. # symbol is where the attack ends.
So, this pattern will work like this:
-begin attack
--first wave:
---thunder at X position -40
---thunder at X position 0
---thunder at X position 40 --wait number of seconds specified in delay
--second wave:
---thunder at X position -60
---thunder at X position -20
---thunder at X position 20
---thunder at X position 60 --wait number of seconds specified in delay -end attack
Note that all thunders in a single wave are spawned at once. Also, don't forget that there has to be a dot (.) after every X position.
ADV. ATTACK - Sans' gravity attack...
Fully customizable version of normal Sans' gravity attack. Only one thing is there, pattern. And it has everything in it.
It works like this:
-X is gravity to set (u/d/r/l)
-0s can be replaced by 1s to enable attack at specific walls, first 0 is right wall, second is up, third is left and last is down.
-y is reaction time (in 1/10 of a second);
-z is time to wait before ending this wave;
-& is next wave;
-# is attack end.
Example: r100031&u010031#
Note that you have to set SOUL color to blue before using this. Also, both Y and Z can be only 1 digit long.